Mississippi Town

This article caught my attention not only because I am fascinated by storms, but also because it focused on an area other than Alabama, which is where I feel most stories have focused. I like the was this piece was written because there were so many personal accounts and quotes included.

I know most everyone’s heart goes out to all of those who got the worst of the weather, but the personal stories make you really see the pain and suffering that these people are now enduring. Hearing that the tornado literally sucked the air out of people’s lungs blows my mind. It’s horrifying.

I believe that the author, Rick Jervis, did an excellent job at shining light on the terrible storms that have taken place durning the past week. There has been so much attention on other things such as the NFL draft and the Royal Wedding that people lost sight of what was really important. These people are in desperate need of help, and article like this is going to let the rest of us know what is needed.

2 responses to “Mississippi Town

  1. I agree that the tragedy is a little more important then the royal wedding to Americans, but for some reason all the news coverage seems to “ROYAL WEDDING!” Hopefully the article has been read a lot because over 200 people dying due to a spring storm is a pretty big event.

  2. I completely agree with this post. I appreciate seeing a human interest story with regards to the storms. It’s been terrible how much damage these storms have done. With such a large scale issue, stories like these help humanize big problems.

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